Tourette’s Syndrome & Tics - how can a psychologist help?

Comprehensive Behavioural Intervention for Tics (CBIT)

CBIT was developed as a nonpharmacological treatment for Tourette Syndrome (TS) in 2001. It was designed to treat motor and vocal tics, and the American Academy of Neurology ‘Treatment Guidelines for Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders’ list CBIT as the recommended first line of treatment for TS.

What is CBIT

CBIT is a non-medicated treatment approach consisting of three main components:

  1. Training the client to be more aware of their tics and the urge to tic

  2. Training the client to do competing behaviour responses when they feel the urge to tic

  3. Making changes to day to day activities in ways that are helpful in reducing tics.

Many of these strategies are commonly already used in the management of TS symptoms and tics. CBIT utilises the most effective concepts and blends them with strategies that assist people to learn the techniques quickly. It is a highly structured therapy administered weekly by a trained therapist (eg. psychologist, psychiatrist, occupational therapist, etc) over 8-10 weeks but can be adjusted to suit the needs of each person and their family.

How does CBIT work if TS is a neurological disorder and tics are involuntary?

Tics are often sensitive to the environment in which they occur. Every person with tics or TS has experienced situations that make their tics worse, and also know of other situations or activities that help ease their tics. CBIT attempts to help children and adults identify internal and environmental factors that make their tics better and worse, as well as teaches skills on how to create strategies to stabilise and make tics more manageable.

How effective is CBIT?

CBIT is not a cure for TS but a tool that helps individuals better manage their tics and improves their quality of life. People learn skills that can be applied for the rest of their lives as needed.

Is CBIT for everyone?

It is important to understand that not everyone will benefit from CBIT. Talk to your healthcare provider about what treatment options are most suitable for your circumstances.

Naomi Newton has undertaken specialised training in order to provide CBIT therapy for children and adults.

Source: Tourette Association of America 2021
